How we help businesses
If you want to establish a business, invest in a local startup, or expand your company in Skåne – you should connect with Invest in Skåne, our region’s official investment promotion agency. They know the Skåne business scene better than anyone and can connect you with the right people.

Skåne has an open business culture
"Skåne is unique. And it is full of internationals. The organisations I work with are open to collaborating and working together and there are no closed doors."
— Alma Sandberg, COO, Mobile Heights tech cluster

Contact Invest in Skåne
Ready to further explore how Invest in Skåne can assist you, including who to contact about getting started? You can get what you need at Invest in Skåne’s website, which includes webpages for the agency’s business services.
To Invest in Skåne